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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life!! Its a Beautiful Thing!!!

To watch something or someone grow into a beautiful thing or person is amazing! We must cherish life and all of its ups and downs! Embrace the challenges, and bask in the successes!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Love yourself and Put your trust in God....

We sometimes find ourselves putting trust and faith in those other than God for our happiness. When we do that, we then set ourselves up for failures , heartbreaks and disappointments. We need to remember that Allah is Sufficient for all our needs! We need to know that those of our loved ones must earn our trust and we must earn theirs, trust is not just a "given" because of the love between people in relationships. When one has lost the trust in a loved one it is very difficult to get that trust back, not saying that it is impossible, but just understand that the road back to re-gaining a loved one's trust is lonnnnnng and hard, but worth it if you know what real love and real forgiveness is....and at the end of that road of forgiveness is God, who is sufficient for all our needs, and who will continue to guide His Children to success. Let us all be found.....Trusting, Being Truthful, Being Honest and being Forgiving!
~Remember.....Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart~

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Daughters are funny human beings. They keep you grounded, they keep you sane, they keep you insane, they keep you humble, they keep you broke, they keep you proud, they keep you emotional, they keep you pissed off, they keep you wondering who they are and where did they come from, but most of all......they keep you reminded of the the amazing power that Allah has to have used you as the vessel to create such beauty!!!! Yesterday I had the honor of being of the guest speakers at a conference geared toward relationships between daughters and mothers! It was amazing and unforgettable.....look for upcoming details on the 10th Annual PMDD 2011!
Until then do me a favor? Have an amazing journey and Remember to Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Remove the Knots.....!

Let us all be found attempting to remove the knots from our lives....the have "nots" the will "nots" the can "nots" and the do "nots"!! Let us "not" allow another human being to disrupt our journey. Let us "not" give our God given power to another, who is not worthy of it! Let us "not" destroy our minds with negative thoughts! But instead......Let us 'NOT" give up, give in or give out!
~Remember Strive For Perfection And Always Speak From Your Heart!~