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Saturday, July 3, 2010

evolution is amazing!

It is something to witness the beauty of God!! This humble home of baby Blue Jay eggs that are one of the many many creations of Allah have decided to dwell in one the trees in my backyard! Each and every morning that I am Blessed by Allah to awaken, and i tend to my humble garden watching our humble farm grow into being able to produce life sustaining fruits and vegetables for my family, I watch the evolving of a blue jay family of two hopefully turning into a family of five! Family, it means so much to all species on God's creations! To witness a mother blue-jay protect her unhatched eggs is awesome, it is like looking into a mirror at a fellow mother with as much conviction to protect her offspring as the next mother....even if they are of two kind! All you mommi's out there in this beautiful universe.....Bask in the beauty of evolution with your children, spouse, and self!! Until later........
~Remember Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart~