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Saturday, July 3, 2010

evolution is amazing!

It is something to witness the beauty of God!! This humble home of baby Blue Jay eggs that are one of the many many creations of Allah have decided to dwell in one the trees in my backyard! Each and every morning that I am Blessed by Allah to awaken, and i tend to my humble garden watching our humble farm grow into being able to produce life sustaining fruits and vegetables for my family, I watch the evolving of a blue jay family of two hopefully turning into a family of five! Family, it means so much to all species on God's creations! To witness a mother blue-jay protect her unhatched eggs is awesome, it is like looking into a mirror at a fellow mother with as much conviction to protect her offspring as the next mother....even if they are of two kind! All you mommi's out there in this beautiful universe.....Bask in the beauty of evolution with your children, spouse, and self!! Until later........
~Remember Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart~

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life!! Its a Beautiful Thing!!!

To watch something or someone grow into a beautiful thing or person is amazing! We must cherish life and all of its ups and downs! Embrace the challenges, and bask in the successes!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Love yourself and Put your trust in God....

We sometimes find ourselves putting trust and faith in those other than God for our happiness. When we do that, we then set ourselves up for failures , heartbreaks and disappointments. We need to remember that Allah is Sufficient for all our needs! We need to know that those of our loved ones must earn our trust and we must earn theirs, trust is not just a "given" because of the love between people in relationships. When one has lost the trust in a loved one it is very difficult to get that trust back, not saying that it is impossible, but just understand that the road back to re-gaining a loved one's trust is lonnnnnng and hard, but worth it if you know what real love and real forgiveness is....and at the end of that road of forgiveness is God, who is sufficient for all our needs, and who will continue to guide His Children to success. Let us all be found.....Trusting, Being Truthful, Being Honest and being Forgiving!
~Remember.....Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart~

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Daughters are funny human beings. They keep you grounded, they keep you sane, they keep you insane, they keep you humble, they keep you broke, they keep you proud, they keep you emotional, they keep you pissed off, they keep you wondering who they are and where did they come from, but most of all......they keep you reminded of the the amazing power that Allah has to have used you as the vessel to create such beauty!!!! Yesterday I had the honor of being of the guest speakers at a conference geared toward relationships between daughters and mothers! It was amazing and unforgettable.....look for upcoming details on the 10th Annual PMDD 2011!
Until then do me a favor? Have an amazing journey and Remember to Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Remove the Knots.....!

Let us all be found attempting to remove the knots from our lives....the have "nots" the will "nots" the can "nots" and the do "nots"!! Let us "not" allow another human being to disrupt our journey. Let us "not" give our God given power to another, who is not worthy of it! Let us "not" destroy our minds with negative thoughts! But instead......Let us 'NOT" give up, give in or give out!
~Remember Strive For Perfection And Always Speak From Your Heart!~

Monday, May 31, 2010

Buzzzy as a Bee

What does buzzy as a bee mean? Does it mean that you are too buzzy to take care of you? Does it mean that you are too buzzy to take care of self? Does it mean that you are too buzzy to take care of your responsibilities? Or does this give us an excuse, that once was a reason, to neglect you and your responsibilities... because if you are buzzy as a bee, but not accomplishing anything, not producing finished products, not evolving into who and what your purpose is in this journey called "life" than what are you buzzy as a bee doing? Let us stop procrastinating, and allowing are reasons to become excuses on why we are not producing, not evolving, and being happy with life! Embrace life and be buzzy as a bee searching for your purpose and who you really are and get introduced to the Goddess in you! Begin to help others and begin to show that good heart that God gave you and we then will be soooo buzzy being happy, being a clear, and evolving that we will begin to realize that we are in heaven!
~Remember Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart~

Monday, May 17, 2010

Where is your focus?

Where is your focus? Are you so focused on someone else that you are too preoccupied to focus on self? Are you focused on how man can make you happy instead of focusing on how you can make God happy? Are you focused on how to change for that special someone? Or are you focused on changing self for betterment? Today we must be focused on Striving For Perfection! Focused on being an example of a Virtuous Woman and Focused on displaying the characteristics of a little goddess! Let each of us stay focused and dance the dance of Life with The Creator and not miss a beat! Let Him Guide you in the music of love, life and happiness.....all we have to do is Submit!
i love you,

....And remember Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart

Sunday, May 16, 2010


In life you are dealt a hand...called a journey....and you must settle on the best part of your journey at all times, facets and levels. I can bear witness that my journey has not always been a smooth one! Can i get a witness???? But through each bump in the road, and each hiccup that i have experienced, has made me who I am today, however my God who created me in His Likeness by the way, has allowed me to be met with each challenge and He and only He has allowed me to come through each of them successfully to become what He desires me to become...which is the example of His Greatness! Now I have had to go through many challenges more than once because we sometimes don't get the lesson the first time around ~smile~ My dear sista-friends don't give up on your journey through life! Things, people, kin-folk, situations...etc...may get you down but always remember Everything is planned and already written....we are just playing our parts!
luvv you and Remember.....Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Today is a Great Day!

Today is a Great day for the Believers!! We the believing Women of God should be so filled with gladness and life that we should all be floating instead of walking around. :-) I am so honored to be in the company of such powerful, brilliant, creative and amazing women! Let us all continue to practice to settle on the best part of our sista and remain steadfast in the struggle and endure until the end!
I luvv you and always....Strive For Perfection and Speak From Your Heart!

Friday, May 7, 2010


K- Keen
Knowledge is all of this and much much more.....Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are you listening to the silence"?

When you are blessed with an idea or dream that comes from the heart, I truly believe that this is a gift from God! I believe that if your motive is pure and you're passionate about this idea or dream and you desire it to come into fruition; to AIDE others, to EMPOWER others, and to HEAL others, then you are obligated to move forward! These ideas and dreams are subtle instructions from God, so take heed and listen to the silence.......and stop doubting your self-worth! You are the Mothers of Civilization, this universe is a wide open field for each of us to create greatness .......So I ask you again "Are you listening to the silence"?
love each of you very much and remember always...Strive for Perfection and......Speak from your heart!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

when you embark on a new journey...

When you embark on a new journey, you have no idea what you are going to be met with, what obstacles, challenges or even surprises that will come your this time you are just going on blind FAITH! Faith that the unseen will be taken care of by your God. Having this type of commitment to something or someone has to begin with LOVE! Just as babies when born are totally dependent on their mommie's for EVERYTHING... from the time they are born, until such time that they are independent from that level, but there will always be some level of dependency. ...Let us stay humble and cognizant of those who depend on us for anything (a lot or a little) to EVERYTHING, because we depend on God for EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, whether we know it or not. Because everyday we depend on Him to allow us to rise...and when He blesses us to do so.............we are embarking on a new journey so make your journey a journey of Greatness!
luvv you all and until later...speak from your heart

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

yummy whole wheat bread...made at home!

Thank you Sista Allison author of "A Diary for my Daughter".....for using the whole wheat bread recipe courtesy of Mrs. Dee's Bakery...this is the simplest recipe you ever wanna is AKA...."The Poor Man's" Bread ....because of its limited number of ingredients and easy no mixer process...just remember you must wait a day or two before partaking....i know ...i know this is difficult but it is best for your digestion system!!!!

why is fasting prescribed for us all?

We often eat things that are not good for us or don't digest in our stomachs well, but we eat it anyway! We need to give our digestion systems time to rest so that they will last a long time. Just as it takes the sun 24 hours to rotate around the earth, it also takes our bodies 24 hours to digest our food and to distribute the nutrients, vitamins and minerals through our system thoroughly and also to eliminate the toxins, waste and poisons from the eaten food. When we eat too much, too often we don't give our stomaches time to digest and we begin to build up waste and toxins in our bodies, that eventually become illnesses and diseases! So one of the reasons that fasting is prescribed is to cleanse our bodies of the accumulated physical and mental waste and toxins! So as this Thursday May 6th ends, let us begin our Unity Fast with determination and success in mind and when Sunday evening arrives, and we sit down to partake in our dinner, let us all be of the victorious ones who successfully completed this wonderful, needed and yes.....prescribed fast! Look forward to your comments on how you feel during and after your completion my sistas!

What does it take to heal others?

Peace and blessings world! I pray that i have what it takes to heal life skills and experiences have certainly prepared me at least to heal others from what i have gone through and proved to be successful! My husband calls me a healer, and that is because he says "you heal others from your life's experiences and not from reading some text out of a book" You see.....Doctors learn from a text, healers learn from real life experiences, challenges and obstacles that they have gone through and were blessed by God to overcome! So let the healing begin!!!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Patience is Priceless!

When you have patience you live a happier life! Patience is your friend! Be patient with yourself, your spouse, your children, your siblings, your friends, your relatives, your boss, your partner, your teachers, your professors, strangers and even your foes.....Patience is Priceless!!!
I just received a question....How do i love a man who is very needy?
Well i would say that he was needy when you married him, however you probably did not notice, on account of you being all in love and everything...and when we are in love with others and not with ourselves first...we will find ourselves giving in or compromising for something or someone that we would not have if we were thinking about self first...but you are in the marriage now so make it work....especially if you have children...because it is no longer about you or him or his is about the children...and if no children are involved...then still stay in your marriage and remember Marriage is WORK, WORK, and More WORK!!! Only the Steadfast and those who Endure to the end are the Victorious ones who receive Blessings in Abundance!!

Settle on the Best Part!

When we settle on the Best part of anything or anyone or any situation, we allow the God in us to guide us and our feelings of such!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It's Finally here

This has been a long time coming! I certainly pray that through my life's experiences, and life skills I am able to share any Greatness that has been given to me with you! Women of this great Human Race!