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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

when you embark on a new journey...

When you embark on a new journey, you have no idea what you are going to be met with, what obstacles, challenges or even surprises that will come your this time you are just going on blind FAITH! Faith that the unseen will be taken care of by your God. Having this type of commitment to something or someone has to begin with LOVE! Just as babies when born are totally dependent on their mommie's for EVERYTHING... from the time they are born, until such time that they are independent from that level, but there will always be some level of dependency. ...Let us stay humble and cognizant of those who depend on us for anything (a lot or a little) to EVERYTHING, because we depend on God for EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME, whether we know it or not. Because everyday we depend on Him to allow us to rise...and when He blesses us to do so.............we are embarking on a new journey so make your journey a journey of Greatness!
luvv you all and until later...speak from your heart

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