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Sunday, May 16, 2010


In life you are dealt a hand...called a journey....and you must settle on the best part of your journey at all times, facets and levels. I can bear witness that my journey has not always been a smooth one! Can i get a witness???? But through each bump in the road, and each hiccup that i have experienced, has made me who I am today, however my God who created me in His Likeness by the way, has allowed me to be met with each challenge and He and only He has allowed me to come through each of them successfully to become what He desires me to become...which is the example of His Greatness! Now I have had to go through many challenges more than once because we sometimes don't get the lesson the first time around ~smile~ My dear sista-friends don't give up on your journey through life! Things, people, kin-folk, situations...etc...may get you down but always remember Everything is planned and already written....we are just playing our parts!
luvv you and Remember.....Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart!!


  1. Spoken like a true Scorpio! :) Love Sis. Paige

  2. Thank you my sista!!! It is truly a blessing to see you are following my blog...may Allah Continue to Bestow His Guidance on Us all!!! How r you doing and where r you?
    Remember Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From Your Heart
    As Salaam Alaikum....and it takes a Scorpio to appreciate a Scorpio!!! (wink)
