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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Are you listening to the silence"?

When you are blessed with an idea or dream that comes from the heart, I truly believe that this is a gift from God! I believe that if your motive is pure and you're passionate about this idea or dream and you desire it to come into fruition; to AIDE others, to EMPOWER others, and to HEAL others, then you are obligated to move forward! These ideas and dreams are subtle instructions from God, so take heed and listen to the silence.......and stop doubting your self-worth! You are the Mothers of Civilization, this universe is a wide open field for each of us to create greatness .......So I ask you again "Are you listening to the silence"?
love each of you very much and remember always...Strive for Perfection and......Speak from your heart!!


  1. I have watched you from a distance Sister Dedra and you are a wonderful example of striving to be the best you, which in return gives me permission, encouragement, and boldness to be the best me! Upward and Onward Mothers of Civiliaztion!!!

  2. Thank you for your lovely comment!!! I am honored and I will continue to Strive For Perfection and Always Speak From My Heart!! And We are each other's keepers!!! May The God who Created us continue to keep us in His Grace!!
