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Monday, May 3, 2010

I just received a question....How do i love a man who is very needy?
Well i would say that he was needy when you married him, however you probably did not notice, on account of you being all in love and everything...and when we are in love with others and not with ourselves first...we will find ourselves giving in or compromising for something or someone that we would not have if we were thinking about self first...but you are in the marriage now so make it work....especially if you have children...because it is no longer about you or him or his is about the children...and if no children are involved...then still stay in your marriage and remember Marriage is WORK, WORK, and More WORK!!! Only the Steadfast and those who Endure to the end are the Victorious ones who receive Blessings in Abundance!!

1 comment:

  1. Marriage is hard work, and should be a labor of love. We have to fight for it, pray over it and constantly tend to it like one would when trying to grow a garden. You have to weed it and lay down fertilizer, keep pests and animals from devouring it and then, after you do all have to harvest your crop! It's a lot of work getting something of value from the earth and all the more harder to cultivate oneself. Almost improbable to then try to be one with another person on the same path and journey you might be on. In the end, whatever relationships we find ourselves in are avenues into self-discovery and mastery. Spouses are fellow travelers on that great oddessey to Allah within self.
