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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

why is fasting prescribed for us all?

We often eat things that are not good for us or don't digest in our stomachs well, but we eat it anyway! We need to give our digestion systems time to rest so that they will last a long time. Just as it takes the sun 24 hours to rotate around the earth, it also takes our bodies 24 hours to digest our food and to distribute the nutrients, vitamins and minerals through our system thoroughly and also to eliminate the toxins, waste and poisons from the eaten food. When we eat too much, too often we don't give our stomaches time to digest and we begin to build up waste and toxins in our bodies, that eventually become illnesses and diseases! So one of the reasons that fasting is prescribed is to cleanse our bodies of the accumulated physical and mental waste and toxins! So as this Thursday May 6th ends, let us begin our Unity Fast with determination and success in mind and when Sunday evening arrives, and we sit down to partake in our dinner, let us all be of the victorious ones who successfully completed this wonderful, needed and yes.....prescribed fast! Look forward to your comments on how you feel during and after your completion my sistas!

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